Everything You Need to Know About Termite Treatment

Termites can be a real menace and they can cause some major damage to a building or other items in one’s possession. These insects need to be dealt with as soon as they are detected because they can cause some irreparable damage to a building if they are left unchecked. There are several termite treatments that you can use for them.

There are a variety of materials that termites feed on which can be found in and around a building. Some of the materials which termites feed on include wood and paper. This means they can cause damage to wooden walls and shelves or to the books that are in your home. The potential to cause this damage makes them a major problem. 

Termites can also be a problem for your garden because they can attack trees and shrubs. This could affect the health of these and other plants in the garden and ruin the outlook of your home. Whether the termites are affecting the building or the yard around it, you need to apply termite treatment to prevent complications. 

When and where do termites occur?

There are certain regions in which termites are most likely to be found. Termite presence is usually dependent on the climate of the region because there are particular weather conditions that the insects prefer.

Termite infestations are highly likely to occur during spring when warm temperatures set in. They also thrive in areas where temperatures are warm for most of the year. There isn’t a particular kind of solid which termites prefer. As long as the region is warm and they are able to build a colony, termites will make a home. 

Types of Termite Treatment 

There are various types of termite treatments that can be prescribed to deal with a termite problem. Termite treatment can be applied as a non-chemical treatment or as a chemical treatment. The application of these treatments is dependent on a number of factors, the most important of which is at what stage the termite problem is. Termites could have just infested your yard, your building or you might be launching a preemptive strike on the termites before they make way into your property. 

It is best to get the services of a professional if you want to have your termite problem dealt with effectively. Professional companies have different kinds of equipment which helps them apply the different types of termite treatment properly.

Termite treatment application requires the use of large-capacity spray tanks, masonry drills and long metal rods among other various pieces of equipment. They also have the expert knowledge to determine what to do in what situation and therefore, you must ensure that you get the services of a professional who knows exactly what they are doing. 

Non-chemical Treatments 

There are non-chemical termite treatments that bring fewer worries to homeowners and most companies use them. There are a variety of non-chemical treatments and these can be applied at different stages of your home’s existence. Some are best used before the home is built and work better to prevent the termite attacks while others can be used as remedies for a termite infestation. The best thing about these methods is that you don’t need regulatory approval to implement them because they do not involve the use of any chemicals.

Steel Meshes/Physical Barriers 

Steel meshes can be placed around the foundation of the house and these will prevent termites from accessing the house through the foundation. The steel mesh will act as a physical barrier through which termites cannot go through. The mesh is usually used with a particular kind of sand which helps to make the barrier hard for termites to go through.

There are also some other physical barriers that can be added to your home or building in the construction phase of it. These barriers are placed under and around the foundation slab of the building and they basically work in the same way that the wire mesh and sand barrier work. One example is the use of basalt as a physical barrier which will block the termites from accessing your building. Physical barriers work as a preventive measure because they usually cannot be added to a completed home. 

Biological Control Agents 

Another non-chemical treatment that can be used to fight termites is the use of biological control agents. While this method isn’t as popular as others used to control termites, it has been proven that it works. Nematode and fungi can be introduced into the soil around the home or building and these act as deterrents to the growth of termite colonies.

The application of these biological control
agents is a specialty job which is why the method is not the most used in the
control of termites. Biological agents will grow themselves over time and thus
you have a control measure which will last for several years. 

Chemical Treatments 

Chemical termite treatments are the most common method of termite control which are used by companies. These treatments are referred to as termiticides. There are several chemicals that can be used to control and prevent termite attacks. The chemicals work in different ways with some preventing the growth of the termites while some outright kill the termites.

The use of chemical treatments requires regulatory approval and therefore, it must be done by companies and contractors that comply with the regulations in your area. Companies that handle these chemicals should be registered with the relevant bodies due to the fact that these chemicals can be harmful to people and to the environment. Only registered and approved companies should be allowed to treat your termite-infested building and this is a very important factor that you must apply due diligence to. 

There are two kinds of
chemical treatments and they more or less achieve the same result. These
termite treatments are applied according to the specialty of the company you
contract for the job or according to where your termite problem has stemmed
from. Chemical treatments can be applied as liquid treatments or as chemical

There are three standard methods through which termite killer can be applied if the chemical treatment is deemed necessary.

Wood/Building Materials Treatments

The wood used in construction is usually treated prior to its use to protect the wood from termite attacks. Chemicals are applied to the wood and these deter termites from getting into your home. One of the commonly used chemicals is borates, which is a termite killer spray applied to the wood during the construction phase of a building. 

Other building materials can also be impregnated with termite killer chemicals in order to protect the home from insects. Ultimately, the aim is to make your home termite-proof and any of the building materials which can hold termiticides can be infused with the chemicals. It’s necessary that this is done to make sure that your building is protected from termites right from the start. 

Soil Treatments 

Soil treatments are the most common method of dealing
with termites. This is because termites usually live in the soil around your
building and making this soil unwelcoming for termites will protect your
home. If the termites have already started living in the soil, they can still
be curved using soil treatments. 

The soil around a building is infused with liquid chemicals. Professionals have the necessary equipment which allows them to access deep into the soil and make sure that the liquid chemical reaches the depths at which termite colonies are found. Usually, long metal rods are used to deliver the chemicals into the soil. 

Soil treatment can also be done before a building is constructed as a preventive measure. Companies that offer this kind of service will usually come back to repeat the treatment for free if the termites somehow survive the initial soil treatment. One should make sure that they hire a company that gives them this option at no extra cost. 

It is very important that a professional is employed when soil treatment is being used as is with any process that involves the use of chemicals. The chemicals being infused into the soil could potentially affect water sources if they are not applied properly. Properties, which make use of water sources, such as wells, are particularly vulnerable and there needs to be careful handling of the situation.

When soil treatments have been prescribed, there also needs to be consideration about how the chemicals may affect the environment. There may be other plants and animals which are affected by termiticide and these need to be protected. Make sure that the professional you have engaged in is taking the health of the environment into consideration because a healthy environment is always best for you. 

Bait Systems

Bait systems are arguably the best method of termite treatment in terms of being safe for people and the environment. The bait system involves the use of chemicals which are usually in the form of a powder. Bait can be applied before and after a termite problem has been identified. 

The chemicals found in these powders affect the development of the termite s and ensures that they do not grow past certain stages of their life cycles. They also disrupt colony activity and the general growth of the insects. Bait systems are effective for many years and they are good for the prevention of future termite attacks on your building. 

If the termite problem is now in your home, powder chemicals can still be applied to stop the termites from causing further damage and to disrupt their life cycles. Professionals can drill the necessary parts of your building and insert the chemical solution into the areas which are termite infested. 

Companies that specialize in this work know where termites would usually be found and they can identify areas that you would miss if you were to do the job yourself or if you hired a semi-skilled individual. That’s why it’s important to make sure that a professional service is contracted and the termite problem in your building is put to bed once and for all. 

The Bottom Line 

Termites can be a massive challenge and there is a need for that problem to be addressed as soon as it is identified. It is also important to apply preventive measures to your building to ensure that termites are not given a chance to infest your property in any way. 

One can have different kinds of physical barriers built around the foundation of their building to block termites from entering the building. There are also chemicals that you can apply to the soil around a building to disrupt the growth of termites and their colonies. Having these control measures in place will deal with any termite problem and you can be sure that your building will be safe from any damage which the termites could cause.