Best Termite Spray for Immediate Results

Are you shopping for the best termite spray? If you looking for a simple and effective way to get rid of termites in your home – termite sprays may be the answer.

In this resource guide, we’ll discuss the best termite sprays available on the market today – both non-toxic and toxic options – as well as how they can help protect your home from further damage caused by these pesky insects.

We’ll also go over potential safety considerations when using these products and provide some links where you can purchase them if necessary.

So whether you’re trying to stop an infestation or just want to take preventive measures against future ones, read on to find out which type of spray is right for you!

Our Experts’ Pick: Spectracide Termite Spray 1.3 Gallon (Ready to Use)

Why We Love It

  • Provides 9-months of pest control protection
  • Accushot Sprayer is powered, highly accurate, and easy to control
  • Clear spray formula leaves no residue or lingering odors
  • Kills wood-destroying insects on contact
Check Latest Price

Do Termite Sprays Work?

Termite sprays are a popular and efficient method for killing termites and protecting homes from further damage. These products will generally contain either toxic or non-toxic ingredients that can both kill the termites on contact, as well as prevent them from returning to the treated area.

One of the most popular products used in termite sprays is a line of IGRs, or “Insect Growth Regulators.”

These work by preventing termites from developing into adults, thus eventually halting their reproduction cycle at the larva phase to help stop an infestation in its tracks. IGRs have been found to be highly effective, particularly when combined with other pest control methods containing termiticides or baiting systems for already mature termites.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has played an important role in regulating the use of Insect Growth Regulator products in the United States. Back in 2000 for example, the EPA banned Dursban, the most common household and yard insecticide at the time as it was found to have contaminated edible vegetation.

The EPA requires all products containing IGRs to be labeled with instructions on how they should be used safely and effectively – this helps ensure that homeowners are using the correct amount and type of product while minimizing potential risks associated with exposure. Additionally, the EPA also conducts regular reviews to ensure that all IGR-containing products meet their safety standards.

BioAdvanced Carpenter Ant, Termite and...
TERRO T1901-6 Ready to Use Indoor and Outdoor...
Bonide Termite & Carpenter Ant Killer, 32 oz...
BioAdvanced Carpenter Ant, Termite and...
TERRO T1901-6 Ready to Use Indoor and Outdoor...
Bonide Termite & Carpenter Ant Killer, 32 oz...
BioAdvanced Carpenter Ant, Termite and...
BioAdvanced Carpenter Ant, Termite and...
TERRO T1901-6 Ready to Use Indoor and Outdoor...
TERRO T1901-6 Ready to Use Indoor and Outdoor...
Bonide Termite & Carpenter Ant Killer, 32 oz...
Bonide Termite & Carpenter Ant Killer, 32 oz...

Vinegar Sprays are Not Enough

Vinegar is often thought of as a safe and chemical-free alternative to termiticide sprays, but the truth is that it simply isn’t enough for dealing with an infestation. While vinegar may kill termites on contact, it does not penetrate deeply enough into the crevices of your home to effectively isolate and eliminate larger colonies. Additionally, vinegar cannot stop termites from returning once they have been eliminated, making it far less effective than traditional termiticidal sprays in terms of long-term results.

While vinegar can prevent and eliminate some types of termites, there are several termite species that are not affected by their acidic properties. For example, Formosan subterranean termites – which are one of the most destructive species – are not particularly vulnerable to vinegar treatments. Even if you happen to completely eradicate one colony, another will likely take its place without the use of traditional pest control methods or specific pesticides.

Finally, using vinegar as a termiticide can be time-consuming and difficult to do properly. In order to ensure that all areas where termite colonies may exist are taken care of properly, extensive spraying must be done in each individual area suspected of harboring these insects. This can be labor-intensive for homeowners who don’t have much experience with pest control and might lead to further damage if not done correctly.

In conclusion, while vinegar may be a good option for killing small numbers of termites on contact, it is not enough for eliminating larger colonies or preventing them from returning in the future. For this reason alone – as well as its potential safety risks – traditional termiticides remain the best choice for dealing with termite infestations in your home or property.

Termite Spray Precautions

When dealing with termite sprays, it is important to take the necessary precautions and follow World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines to ensure safe storage, transport, labeling, and disposal of the substances.

Storage and Transport of Termite Sprays

Termite sprays should be stored in their original container in a secure area that is away from food and children. The containers should always be kept tightly closed to prevent any accidental spills or leakage. When transporting these products, care must be taken to ensure that the container does not become damaged or broken so as to avoid any exposure of the substance. All containers should also be clearly labeled with information about their contents, including any special instructions for use.

Termite Spray Labeling

Labeling of all pesticide containers is required by WHO regulations in order to provide users with clear instructions on how to use them safely. This includes information such as the active ingredients used in the product, potential risks associated with exposure, recommended application methods and dosages, protective equipment requirements (if any), storage instructions, and more. It is important for users to understand these labels thoroughly before using any termiticide spray product.

Termite Spray Disposal

Due to potential health risks associated with exposure to pesticides, proper disposal of these products is vital after they have been used up. Unused portions of termite sprays should never be poured down drains or sewer systems as this can contaminate local water sources and cause environmental damage. Instead, empty cans or bottles should be disposed of according to local regulations – typically at a hazardous waste collection center or through your local household waste collection service – in order for them to be recycled or properly disposed of.

As much as commercial termite sprays aren’t as potent as the termiticides pest control companies use, it’s essential to take some precautions. Continuous exposure to this chemical, even in small amounts, can lead to irritations and complications for those with underlying conditions.

Video: Pest Control Safety Tips

If you find the WHO regulatory information to be difficult to understand or need things explained visually – James from DoYourOwnPestControl gives us more tips for the safe handling of pesticides.


Safety Tips from Best Termite Killer’s Editorial Team

  • Read and follow label instructions closely when using any type of termiticide spray.
  • Wear protective clothing, including rubber gloves, long sleeves, and pants while handling termite sprays.
  • Ventilate the area before and after spraying to reduce the risk of breathing in the fumes or particles from termite sprays.
  • Keep children, pets, and animals away from treated areas until they are completely dry; this should also include food preparation surfaces such as counters or tables.
  • For best results, apply a second coat of termiticides after 24 hours following the initial application.
  • Be sure to store termiticides safely in an isolated place that is locked up securely when not in use; this will help prevent accidental misuse or spills.
  • Do not eat, drink or smoke while handling these products as contact with the eyes, nose, and mouth can be dangerous if exposed directly to them without proper protection.
  • Dispose of all containers used for delivering termiticides according to state and local regulations; some may require special disposal methods due to their toxicity levels so it is important to research ahead of time for best practices in your area.

Benefits Of Using Termite Sprays

Using termite sprays is one of the most effective methods for controlling termite infestations, as it allows for targeted application and fast results.

Active ingredients in termite sprays are designed to quickly kill any existing termite colonies and provide a residual effect that will keep them from coming back for long periods of time.

Termite sprays come in various concentrations, so users can tailor their treatment plans according to their individual needs. This allows homeowners to treat small areas without having to invest in large quantities of product, making it an affordable solution even for those on a tight budget.

Additionally, some formulations can be sprayed directly onto the affected area or onto furniture and other items while others are specifically made to be diluted with water first before use. This gives you more control over the intensity and duration of your treatment plan.

Readers should also know that many termite spray products are formulated with natural ingredients that are safe to use around pets and children when used properly. That said, it is always important to read and follow all safety instructions before using any form of pesticide or termiticide product.

Finally, most termite sprays also have long-lasting effects that will work for up to four weeks after initial application, ensuring that any remaining termites don’t return even after the outer visible signs have disappeared.

Call an Exterminator When Termite Sprays Aren’t Enough

When it comes to termite infestations, many homeowners may think that using a termite spray is all they need to eliminate their problem. Although termite sprays can be effective for treating smaller areas or for preventing future infestations, sometimes calling in an exterminator is necessary.

In some cases, the infestation may be too severe for just a single application of a spray product and require stronger treatments to effectively eradicate the colony. Professional exterminators are trained to properly identify and treat termite infestations and can apply more powerful solutions that will penetrate deeper into the wood and foundation of a home. They also possess specialized equipment such as foggers, traps, and baits that can reach areas where sprays alone may not be able to penetrate. Additionally, they can provide advice on prevention measures to keep termites away in the future.

Exterminators often offer an inspection service as well that can help detect any potential underlying issues that might have caused the infestation in the first place. In these cases, they can also recommend methods for improving ventilation and airflow around a home or property so that there is less chance of future infestations occurring.

By taking advantage of these services, homeowners can rest assured knowing that their home is safe from further damage or destruction due to termites.

Consider Before You Buy

If you’re planning on buying termite sprays, we encourage you to consider the following before you make a final decision.

Spray Bottle Construction

When choosing a termite spray, it is important to consider the construction of the bottle or container. Look for bottles made of durable materials that are designed to withstand wear and tear, such as heavy plastic or glass. Additionally, ensure that the nozzle and sprayer mechanism is securely attached to the bottle so it will not come apart during use. This will help to avoid any accidents due to spraying in areas where it should not be used or from spilling residual product on surfaces later.

Active Ingredients

When looking at termite sprays, look for products labeled as “ready-to-use” or “concentrated” so you know what active ingredients are present in the solution. It is important to note that some active ingredients may be toxic or hazardous if handled improperly, and safety warnings should always be read carefully before attempting to use any kind of pesticide product.

In addition, the concentration of the active ingredient should also be taken into consideration so that you can determine how long it will last after application and how effective it will be when applied correctly. It is generally recommended to use more concentrated solutions in order to better penetrate wood surfaces and other areas affected by termites.

You can read more about active ingredients and brands, below.

Allergies & Pet Safety

It is also important to take into account allergies when using termite sprays, as some people may experience reactions upon contact with certain chemical agents present in these products. Prioritize products with natural ingredients as they are typically safer for people who have allergies or sensitivities and offer less risk overall than traditional pesticides.

If you have pets, look for pet-safe formulas that contain non-toxic ingredients and pose no risk of harm when ingested. There should also be an indication on the label regarding safe keep-out zones for animals, which should be followed diligently during treatment periods in order to avoid any potential exposure risks for your pet(s).

Termite Spray Brands & Active Ingredients

Pyrethroid Insecticides

Pyrethroid insecticides are some of the most commonly used active ingredients in termite sprays. These chemicals are synthetic derivatives of naturally occurring pyrethrins, which are compounds derived from chrysanthemum flowers. Pyrethroid insecticides work by attacking an insect’s nervous system and disrupting its ability to feed and move, ultimately killing them.

Pyrethroid insecticides are known to be especially effective against termites given their long-lasting residual effects and low toxicity to humans and animals.

Some popular pyrethroid-based sprays include bifenthrin, cypermethrin, deltamethrin, and lambda-cyhalothrin.

Chlorpyrifos Insecticides

Chlorpyrifos is an organophosphate insecticide that is also commonly used in termite spraying products. It works by interfering with an insect’s nervous system, causing paralysis and death. While it is less toxic than many other chemical pesticides, it can still have harmful effects on humans if not handled properly.

Chlorpyrifos-based sprays should always be used with caution and in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions for safety purposes. Some popular chlorpyrifos-based products include Dursban and Lorsban.

Fipronil Insecticides

Fipronil is a broad-spectrum insecticide that has been shown to be highly effective at eliminating termites from infested areas. This chemical works by disrupting the central nervous system of insects, causing paralysis and death within 24 hours of contact.

Fipronil has a relatively low risk of posing any serious threat to human health when used correctly but should still be handled with care as it can cause skin irritation or eye damage upon contact with skin or eyes. Popular fipronil-based termite sprays include Termidor SC and Taurus SC.

Most Common Active Ingredients in Termite Sprays


Dursban is an organophosphate insecticide containing the active ingredient chlorpyrifos. It is an effective termite spray for controlling and eliminating termites and is used often for both residential and commercial properties.

Dursban works by interfering with an insect’s nervous system, causing paralysis and death.

While it poses a relatively low risk to human health when handled correctly, Dursban should be used with caution and according to the manufacturer’s instructions for safety purposes.


Lorsban is another brand of chlorpyrifos-based termite spray, meaning that it uses the same active ingredient as Dursban.

Like Dursban, it has been found to be highly effective at killing termites quickly and in large numbers but should always be used with caution according to the manufacturer’s directions for safety reasons.

Lorsban offers long-term protection against termite infestations, making it a popular choice among homeowners looking to protect their property from damage caused by these pests.


Deltamethrin is a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide that has been proven highly effective at eliminating termites from infested areas.

Deltamethrin works by attacking an insect’s nervous system and disrupting its ability to feed and move, ultimately leading to its death within 24 hours of contact. It has long-lasting residual effects on termites which makes it especially useful for those wanting immediate results, as well as providing long-term protection against future infestations.

One benefit of Deltamethrin is that it has a relatively low risk of posing any serious threat to human health when used correctly and is generally considered safe around humans and animals due to its low toxicity.


Bifenthrin is one of the most common active ingredients in termite sprays due to its longevity and effectiveness in controlling these pests.

This chemical works by attacking an insect’s nervous system, causing paralysis and ultimately leading to its death. It also offers a high level of residual protection against future infestations due to its long-lasting effects on treated areas when applied properly. Bifenthin is usually safe for use around humans, pets, livestock, birds, or aquatic life – though care should still be taken when handling this product according to the manufacturer’s instructions for safety reasons.


Cypermethrin is another pyrethroid insecticide found in many termite control products that use natural compounds derived from chrysanthemum flowers as its active ingredient.

This chemical works quickly by disrupting an insect’s nervous system which leads to paralysis and death shortly after contact with any treated surfaces or objects. It also provides excellent residual protection against future infestations due to its longevity in treated areas – making it ideal for those who need immediate results while also providing long-term protection against further damage caused by termites or other insects.

Generally, cypermethrin products are considered safe around humans but care should always be taken when using this pesticide according to the manufacturer’s instructions for safety purposes.


Lambda-cyhalothrins are synthetic derivatives of naturally occurring pyrethrins that are commonly found in many termite sprays on the market today due to their high efficacy at killing these pests quickly while simultaneously offering residual protection against future infestations over time when applied properly according to manufacturer’s instructions.

Lambda-cyhalothrin works similarly to other pyrethroids by attacking an insect’s nervous system which causes paralysis leading eventually leading to their death – making it particularly effective at eliminating large numbers of insects quickly with minimal environmental impact or risk of harm towards humans or animals when handled correctly.

Best Termite Sprays to Purchase

At Best Termite Killer, our top recommended termite sprays for immediate results and long-lasting protection against infestations are:

Ortho Home Defense Max Termite & Destructive Bug Killer Spray

No products found.

This product contains bifenthrin as its active ingredient and provides up to 12 months of protection when applied correctly. It is designed to kill both existing termites as well as prevent future infestations, making it an ideal choice for those looking for a reliable solution to their termite problem.

Spectracide Terminate Termite Killing Foam

This termite foam spray is formulated with deltamethrin as its active ingredient, giving it the power to quickly eliminate invading termites while also providing long-term residual protection against further infestations from occurring. It is easy to use and can be applied in hard-to-reach places, such as small cracks and crevices that other sprays may not be able to reach.

Spectracide Terminate Termite & Carpenter Ant...
  • KILLS TERMITES AND CARPENTER ANTS: Indoor plus home foundation treatment against termites, carpenter ants, carpenter bees and other insects as listed.
  • FOR INDOOR AND OUTDOOR USE: Up to 9 months control indoors
  • KILLS CARPENTER BEES: Kills wood-destroying insects on contact.
  • CLEAR FORMULA: Non-staining spray leaves no odor.
  • ACCUSHOT SPRAYER: Continuous power sprayer for precise application.

Ecopco PT Alpine Flea & Bedbug Pressurized Insecticide

This product contains cypermethrin as its active ingredient and offers excellent long-term protection against termite invasions when used according to instructions. It is safe for use around pets and humans, making it a great choice for those who want powerful coverage without any potential danger posed to their family or home.

Lorsban Advanced Termiticide Concentrate

This concentrate contains lambda-cyhalothrins and provides fast-acting control against existing termites, as well as long-term residual protection from future infestations over time. Its formula is designed specifically for use on wood surfaces, making it an ideal solution for homeowners looking for a way to protect their wooden structures from costly damage caused by these pests.

BIOADVANCED 700350A Termite Killer Home...
  • TERMITE KILLER: Easy to use granuals kills the termites you see, and the ones you don't see
  • PERIMETER DEFENSE: Treat around the perimeter of your home, garage, wood piles and fence posts
  • EASY APPLICATION: Just sprinkle, water, and walk away
  • COVERAGE AREA: Treats up to 200 linear feet- that's the perimteter of an average sized home
  • RESTRICTIONS: Not for sale in NY, CT, CO, MD, VT & NJ
Bayer 80035225 Polyzone Suspend Pint...
  • Deltamethrin 4.75%
  • Suspend poly Zone is for use in and around aircraft, apartment buildings, bakeries, bottling facilities, breweries, buses, cafeterias, candy plants, cereal Processing and manufacturing plants,...
  • Mix suspend poly Zone at a rate of 1.2oz per gallon of water.

Recommendations from Our Readers

At Best Termite Killers, we also listen to our loyal readers and share the following recommendations based on their use, as well:

Bayer BioAdvanced Carpenter Ant & Termite Killer Power Sprayer

BioAdvanced Carpenter Ant, Termite and...
  • KILLS 60+ LISTED PESTS: Yellow Jacket Killer. Also kills ants, termites, fleas, ticks, crickets, spiders, flies, and more. Even controls Carpenter bees!
  • KILLS ON CONTACT: Kills listed insects on contact
  • BROAD-SPECTRUM OUTDOOR USE: Use on lawns, landscapes, foundations, decks and around home structures
  • ALSO USE INDOORS: Apply around sinks and storage areas, behind baseboards, around doors and windows, behind and under refrigerators, cabinets and stoves, the underside of shelves and other similar...
  • RESTRICTIONS: Not for sale in MA & NY

TERRO Carpenter Ant & Termite Killer

TERRO T1901-6 Ready to Use Indoor and Outdoor...
  • Kills Wood-Infesting Insects - Effectively kills carpenter ants, termites, and carpenter bees
  • Fast Acting & Long Lasting - This convenient aerosol spray kills on contact and provides long-lasting residual control, continuing to kill pests for up to one month
  • Don't Miss Your Target - The two-way spray nozzle allows for broad application or precision treatment in cracks and crevices
  • Non-Staining, Odorless Formula - This non-staining spray leaves behind no unpleasant odors so you can use it almost anywhere
  • Use Indoors & Outdoors - Spray around windows, doors, and entry points, as well as into wall voids and infested wood areas

Bonide Products Termite Treatment

Bonide Termite & Carpenter Ant Killer, 32 oz...
  • INSECT KILLER - This pest control is great for use on subterranean termites, carpenter ants, carpenter bees, wood-infesting beetles, ants, crickets, earwigs, fleas, fire ants, house flies, mosquitoes,...
  • PROTECT YOUR LAWN AND HOME - Termite and Carpenter Ant Killer is designed for use on home lawns, flower gardens, ornamental trees, and the outside surfaces of buildings.
  • 7 YEAR BARRIER - To control subterranean termites, the chemical emulsion must be dispersed in the soil to provide a barrier between the wood in the structure and the termite colonies in the soil. One...
  • DUAL ACTION DEFENSE - Contact kill gives you immediate results when spraying insects directly, while residual activity kills insects when they return to treated areas.
  • EASY APPLICATION - Product quickly mixes with water and should be applied using sprinkler can, hand sprayer, or low-pressure sprayers. Carefully read and use according to label directions.

Frequently Asked Questions on Termite Sprays

  • Should you combine termite spray and pellets?

    No. It is not recommended to combine termite spray and pellets as doing so can lead to over-application of the products, which may reduce their effectiveness and cause unnecessary risks to human health or the environment. Additionally, combining termite sprays and pellets often leads to an increased cost because each product needs to be purchased separately. For best results, use one type of product specifically designed for termites instead of combining them together.

  • When is the best time to spray for termites?

    The best time to spray for termites is during the spring and summer months when termites are most active. It’s important to make sure that areas around your home are well-treated with an effective termite spray product, such as one containing Deltamethrin, Bifenthin, Cypermethrin, or Lamda-cyhalothrins. Ensure you’re following the manufacturer’s instructions and use protective equipment when spraying these products in order to mitigate any potential risks associated with them. Additionally, follow up with regular inspections of your home throughout the year to identify any new infestations before they cause serious damage.

  • Can you spray wood for termites?

    Yes, you can spray wood for termites using a product containing an active ingredient such as Deltamethrin, Bifenthin, Cypermethrin, or Lambda-cyhalothrins. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when spraying these products and to use protective equipment in order to mitigate any potential risks associated with them. Additionally, regular inspections of your home throughout the year should be done to identify any new infestations before they cause serious damage.

  • How often do you have to spray for termites?

    It is recommended to spray termite treatments with an active ingredient such as Deltamethrin, Bifenthin, Cypermethrin, or Lambda-cyhalothrins every 6 to 12 months for optimal protection against future infestations. However, regular inspections of your home should be done throughout the year in order to identify any new termite problems before they cause serious damage. Protective equipment should also be used when spraying these products to ensure safety at all times.

  • How to treat for termites before installing spray foam?

    Before installing spray foam insulation, it is important to treat for termites using a termite spray containing an active ingredient such as Deltamethrin, Bifenthin, Cypermethrin or Lambda-cyhalothrins. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and wear protective equipment when spraying these products in order to mitigate any potential risks associated with them. Additionally, regular inspections of your home should be done throughout the year in order to identify any new infestations before they cause serious damage.

  • Are termite spray fumes dangerous?

    Yes, termite spray fumes can be dangerous if not used properly. Be sure to always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when applying these products and wear protective equipment to keep yourself safe. Inhaling termite spray fumes may cause irritation of the skin, nose, throat, and respiratory tract. It is also important to open windows and turn on fans for ventilation during the application of the product. If you observe any signs of illness or irritation, seek medical attention immediately.

  • Will regular bug spray kill termites?

    No, regular bug spray will not kill termites. The best way to get rid of termites is to use a specialized termite spray containing an active ingredient such as Deltamethrin, Bifenthin, Cypermethrin, or Lambda-cyhalothrins. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using these products and wear protective equipment for safety. Additionally, regular inspections of your home should be done throughout the year in order to identify any new infestations before they cause serious damage.

  • Does termite spray kill roaches?

    No, termite spray is specifically formulated to kill termites and will not have any effect on roaches. If you are looking for a product that can kill both termites and roaches, you should look for an insecticide that lists both insects as targets on the label. Be sure to read and follow all manufacturer instructions when using these products to ensure safe use. Always wear protective equipment when spraying insecticides in order to mitigate any potential risks associated with them.

  • Where do you spray for termites?

    Termite sprays should typically be applied to the base of walls, around window and door frames, and on foundation cracks. The exact application location may vary based on the type of termite infestation being treated; for best results, read and follow all manufacturer instructions when applying termite spray. Additionally, protective equipment should always be worn when spraying insecticides in order to mitigate any potential risks associated with them.

  • Can you spray for subterranean termites, or do you need to drill into the slab?

    Yes, you can spray for subterranean termites using a specialized termite spray that contains an active ingredient such as Deltamethrin, Bifenthin, Cypermethrin or Lambda-cyhalothrins. However, in some cases, it may be necessary to drill into the slab of your home in order to effectively treat the infestation. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when applying these products and wear protective equipment for safety. Additionally, regular inspections of your home should be done throughout the year in order to identify any new infestations before they cause serious damage.

  • How to spray the outside of your house for termites?

    To spray the outside of your house for termites, you should use a specialized termite spray containing an active ingredient such as Deltamethrin, Bifenthin, Cypermethrin or Lambda-cyhalothrins. Apply the product to the base of walls, around window and door frames, and on foundation cracks. Be sure to read and follow all manufacturer instructions when using these products to ensure safe use. Always wear protective equipment when spraying insecticides in order to mitigate any potential risks associated with them. Regular inspections of your home should also be done throughout the year in order to identify any new infestations before they cause serious damage.

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